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Who are we?

We are FurIronCity! Our Mission to the furry Community: To Unite all Anthropomorphic furry groups in the state of Alabama, also to build not only a friendly relationship within the furry community, but in all communities in the state of Alabama. We here at FurIronCity are driven to: help in the local communities in all parts of Alabama including helping with charities and local events within those communities, to give hope and enjoyment to all people of the state of Alabama, to bring happiness to all age groups, and raise money for each charities we support.

We also work to educate our different communities about the anthropomorphic arts, and show no discrimination to others based on religious beliefs, gender, or race, and accept the indifference of people and show love for all humans alike.​


FurIronCity is working on becoming a non-profit 501-c-3 which we hope to become non-profit by the end of 2015, we are here in hopes to give joy to those around us and to bring back some of that old magic that we once held in our hearts. As a young child magic was everything, it gave us hope, dreams, goals, wishes and a chance to pretend. Watch out Alabama, get ready to become the magic city once again...


We talk about a FIC fund, FurIronCity fund and what it is about, our fund is strictly monitored by our Chief Financial Officer Mallet Bear, who is a fur friendly non-furry individual. He works directly beside the President/Director of FurIronCity, both the President/Director and the CFO are the only two that have access and knowledge of the account. No other individual has access nor the right to the account. The CFO has all records of who has donated money, the time it was given, the day it was given and the date it was given. No money is used unless it is to help the group and only the group. The fund is for the group and group activities only and WILL NOT ever be used for personal use at any given time.


If you would like to be a part of the FurIronCity team, just contact the President/Director by email at
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