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Updated Policy



This group is based on the input from other local furs from the group. So as a result in the growth of this group we "The Staff" has come up with guidelines and our policy. All rules are final!

This group is based on the input from other local furs from the group. So we will be making heavy use of the note system in place that FA has.

-We are open to suggestions for improving the group page! If you have any suggestions please send us a note titled “Suggestion”

In order to try to bring a more mature level of interaction with the non-furry public, we have decided upon a few guidelines:


-If an event is taking place at a restaurant/bowling alley/etc, anyone who wishes to attend must purchase food/bowl etc. (not just water). As we are a large and overwhelming group we need to be courteous to our hosted establishment(s)!

-If someone is causing trouble at an event, the event host is responsible for taking appropriate action. If a person continues to cause problems on three separate occasions, they will be “banned” from local events.

-The “FurIronCity staff members” hold no responsibility for the nature of non-FurIronCity events on the calendar, nor are they responsible for the actions of the people at these events.

-For any host that holds an event that FurIronCity attends has full responsibility of all actions of the people at these events, if at any time a host has an issue with a FIC member or anyone associated with FIC to immediately contact the staff of FurIronCity.


Code of Conduct:

FurIronCity is a youth, young adult, adult-serving, community-based organization dedicated to providing fun-filled events and to Unite all Anthropomorphic furry groups in the state of Alabama, also to build not only a friendly relationship within the furry community but in all communities in the state of Alabama.

We here at FurIronCity are driven to help in the communities in all areas of Alabama and to help in charities and local events. To give hope and enjoyment to all people of the state of Alabama, to bring happiness to all age groups and raise money for each charities we choose. We also will work to educate in different cultures and beliefs, and except the indifference of people and show love for all humans alike.

Participation in the organization's programs is subject to the observance of the organization's rules and procedures. The activities outlined below are strictly prohibited. Any participant or staff member who violates this Code is subject to discipline, you may be removed from the premises and legal action may apply and up to and including removal from the group.


  • Abusive language towards a staff member, volunteer or another attendee.

  • Possession or use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs at the convention or reporting to the convention while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

  • Bringing dangerous or unauthorized materials such as explosives, firearms, weapons or other similar items to an event will result in legal action by FurIronCity.

  • Discourtesy or rudeness to a fellow attendees, staff member or volunteer.

  • Verbal, physical or visual harassment of another attendee, staff member or volunteer.

  • Actual or threatened violence toward any individual or group.

  • Conduct endangering the life, safety, health or well-being of others.

  • Failure to follow any agency policy or procedure.

  • Bullying or taking unfair advantage of any attendees.


Failing to cooperate with an adult supervisor/leader/mentor or staff members.

Public Gatherings - Some special things to remember here:

PDA's -
Use common sense. Most of the time you are mixed company (gay/straight) so not an appropriate place for public displays of affection.

Furry/Sci-Fi/Anime Regalia - Make sure with who over is organizing it fursuits, ears, tails, collars, plush animals etc are OK. Remember not everyone understands Furry or all they know about it is what they saw on CSI. This is not a "Squick the Mundanes" game.

Support the business - Most the time outings take place at restaurants, coffee houses or something similar. Be prepared to buy something. These are businesses; if everyone came and didn't buy something the business would close its doors. Also don't go and expect someone to cover you or worse yet, they order something and beg someone to pay for it for them. If someone is going to cover you, make arrangements prior - and pay that person back if that is what is supposed to happen!

Be a good customer - If it's at a bar, don't get stupid drunk so the rest of the group has to take care of you. If you have had too much to drink, give someone your keys. Also chances are the person that has organized the outing has a friendly relationship with staff at the business. If you are not sure if something is ok or not, ask! Also don't do things that annoy, hurt, injure your friends or other customers.

Fursuits - Make sure that your suit is acceptable for the event (i.e. nothing scary for a children's event) Always try and change out of public sight and if you have to pop your head, paws, suit please get out of sight as much as possible. Never unsuit in front of kids unless it's an emergency (i.e. overwhelmed with heat or security issue) Seeing someone take fursuit parts off in the open ruins the magic.

Don't make a scene! - Leave the drama for your mamma! If you come to an event and start shit, expect to be asked to leave and not allowed back! The group normally operates under a 3 strikes rule before you will be asked not to return to a group event. Depending on the action or input from others involved, it can be a 6 month suspension from attending events to permanent. The exception is if anyone threatens another for any reason including threatening the individual, individual’s belongings or individuals work or school career. This is cause for immediate suspension from any and all group events.




Keep in mind; we are a group of individuals, which enjoy the furry fandom and all that it includes. By applying the “Golden Rule” (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you) we will enjoy fun and growth in our furry and non-furry community. Let us always respect one another, so here are some rules to help us along the way.


  • All members WILL respect ALL members, visitors and staff members of FurIronCity.

  • Under NO circumstances will harassment (Of any kind) be tolerated. This will constitute grounds for banishment from the group. No means NO! If you are doing something and someone tells you no, be it on the email list, public event or house party and you continue that is an automatic strike or more depending on the action. NO public or private harassment of any kind will be tolerated!!

  • Under NO circumstances will discrimination (Of any kind) be tolerated. This will constitute grounds for banishment from the group.

  • You must be 13 years or older to participate in any events FurIronCity hosts, or have written permission by a parental or legal guardian.

  • You must not create or submit unwanted email to any FurIronCity members (“Spam”).

  • You must not transmit any worms or viruses or any code of a destructive nature.

  • NO one is permitted in the designated headless lounge area unless you are the designated handler for that fursuiter, if you aren't a fursuiter you don't have permission to be there! Don't be a creeper.


General Conditions:


  • The President reserves the right to modify or terminate FurIronCity for any reason, without notice at any time.

  • We will now be working on a “3 Strike” system. We know everyone has their share of screw ups. The big thing here is you need to learn from your mistakes and correct the undesired behavior. You will receive a warning if you are getting close to a strike to hopefully get you to behave but if you reach that 3rd strike you immediately get a 6 month suspension from the group and will only be allowed back after if the group agrees via poll to a majority. You come back with one final chance if allowed back. If you lose that, then the ban becomes permanent.

  • We are a“NO Drama”Group! If you have issue with someone, keep it between you and them. DO NOT drag other members of the group into it. If there is an issue that you have with a member of the group you can message   zanthel directly and he will pass it to the other “Core” members of the group and we will see if we can get something resolved.

  • We reserve the right, in accordance with any applicable laws, to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.

  • We may, but have no obligation to, remove Content and accounts containing Content that we determine in our sole discretion are unlawful, offensive, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable or violates any party’s intellectual property or these Terms of Use.

  • We reserve the right to alter these Terms of Use at any time. If the alterations constitute a material change to the Terms of Use, we will notify you via email or journal. What constitutes a “material change” will be determined at our sole discretion, in good faith and using common sense and reasonable judgment.


General Code for Events and Outings:


  • At any FIC public gathering, everyone must abide by all local, state and federal laws. This means that things like underage drinking are a BIG NO-NO! We do have members of the group under 21 and even under 18 so please keep that in mind. This can not only get you in trouble but can get the group in trouble and also the business we are at. This can mean citations, fines and worse not to mention the group being potentially banned from the location they are at.

  • House party rules are more so at the discretion of the hosts. They are encouraged to invoke the normal rules along with any additional they see fit requiring. For the hosts/hostesses remember that if someone leaves your party and would get a DUI or worse you can and probably will be held accountable by the courts for illegally serving a minor or over-serving someone. (yes, this has been upheld in court) Who you invite to your house parties is your choice. It is a courtesy if you are inviting others than group members that you let the group know they will be in mixed company. If you choose to invite someone that is banned you need to advise the group prior to the event so members of the group can choose if they want to participate or not with the person being there.

  • If someone would be mates with someone that is banned, that does not mean that they are banned. You would still be allowed to attend events just not with your mate.

  • If someone that is banned from the group make any attempt to attend a gathering they know they are unwelcome at, if they are on their 6 month ban it then becomes automatically permanent. If a banned person shows up unwelcome at a public event it is encouraged you contact the owner/manager of the business and advise them there is someone that might be causing issues. If it is as a house party, then you have every right to call the proper authorities and report someone trespassing. No means no and if you are banned that means no you cannot attend group events.


We hated to have to create things like this but the purpose of the group is to have a safe and fun environment for us to get together and be with other Furs.


FurIronCity’s Furry Event Rules

Planning events:

It can take a lot of time and effort to put something on not to mention the stress of what feels like trying to heard drunk cats sometimes. Remember when you are planning an event to be aware of other events planned around. Try not and plan something on top of someone else event unless you talk it over with them first. It's very frustrating when you are planning something only to have someone muddle things up.


If at all else possible if 2 want to do events around the same time, try working together to do like a weekend of events. If you plan an event and no one shows up, as the old saying goes try, try again. Sometimes it falls into place for a great turn out and sometimes it doesn't. Try and remember to keep things as reasonable as possible.


If all else fails, ask opinions before planning the event. If doing something public like at a business, mall, park, etc. with today's increased awareness with security and transmittable virus threats, check with the owner/manager/park service director or whatever to make sure things like fursuits are allowed. It's not fun to have security making you take your fursuit head off in front of kids or be seen being escorted out of the premises.


Attending events:


At someone's house or apartment - When you go to an event, someone has spent time, energy and a lot of the time some money especially if they are having it at their apartment or house. Be a good guest! Some of the things you need to pay close attention to are:


Smoking rules - Can you smoke inside and if not, where can you smoke. Also don't just discard your cigarette butts, put them where they belong


Pet rules - if they have dogs or cats in the house, make sure you don't stand with the door open and make sure you close it tightly if you go in or out. If it's ok to give the animals treats or anything


PDA rules - Unless you are going to an orgy, keep it in your pants. If you are doing something and someone else looks uncomfortable....stop!


Potluck rules - The whole purpose of a Potluck is a gathering where everyone brings a dish to share. The rule of thumb is that whatever you bring should be enough for 4-6 people to each have a decent serving. Look at it like going out got a decent dinner. You would probably spend $15 plus for Chili's or O'Charley's, and you are getting a hellacious amount of food that you will have at, so spend accordingly. Nothing pisses off a host more than a mooch. If you want to come but can't financially afford to get something, talk to the host upfront/privately BEFORE the event about it. Heck if nothing else offer to do dishes, take out the trash or help clean up. Contribute how you can that will help the host!


Cleanliness rules - Be a good guest and you make sure you get invited back. Use common sense and common courtesy when at someone's place. Use coasters or a napkin to sit your drink on. Throw your cans, cups, plates, trash away. If you are using "real" plates, glasses, silverware, take them to the kitchen and as the host what they want done with them. You may like living in a cluttered place but that does not give you right to do it as someone else place. Also ...... take a shower and wear clean clothes.


R.S.V.P.'s - When an invite is given in any form and you plan on attending even if it's a "maybe" let the host know. If you can't make it don't just be a no show, let the house know what you are not able to make it. Don't just drop in unless you know that is ok ahead of time. If a set time is given for things to start try and be there on time or a little early. If you are running late let someone know.


Please note that if you intend on donating to FurIronCity, that you are giving up all rights to ownership of that said item(s) and ownership of said item(s) to FurIronCity no matter what the item(s) are: money, time, equipment, art, etc.

Pictures taken at any FurIronCity events or meets may be used for personal use only. As a courtesy, you should ask for permission before taking pictures of anyone.

All Media content that is recorded may not be used for professional purposes or broadcast media without the express written permission of the FurIronCity Board of Directors. Anyone responsible for violating this rule will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Anyone is permitted to post All media as long as given proper credit to FurIronCity and the local venue that the meets or events are taking place.


Hopefully this helps and will make for some fun events in the coming months!!


Just only takes one person not playing by the rules of common decency and etiquette to ruin that event and events in the future for everyone.

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